Meditation Circle at Hummingbird Studio

My Meditation circle begins in Hummingbird Studio Collis Sandes House, Tralee Co.Kerry in January 2024

Meditation will help you to see yourself clearly, to understand who you are, how others see you, and how you fit into the world around you. 

Each week I respond to the moons, the wheel of the year and certain needs in your local community and wider society. 

This weekly practice opens you to positive emotions and outcomes. 

It also leads people into exploring how to maintain better professional and personal boundaries. When you learn to love yourself over time you learn to respect and cherish your own space and time more. 

There is a possibility of you becoming a zen master of meditation. But ultimately this circle is about cultivating more loving kindness, calm and joy in your life. 

The circle is the culmination of my study of meditation, moon cycle awareness and the wheel of the year. 

I work with a number of simple practices that can be used at work and at home.

You’ll develop a relationship with the self, which is your own being, identity and values 

Guided meditations also help you to develop your connection to your imagination and creativity. 

The tools have been used in art residencies in schools, community support work and outreach services.

Body Scanning and Grounding 

Before we do anything in a circle, first we slow down, ground and focus on the breath. 

Body scanning is a tool used to connect the mind and body and bring you back to the present moment.

You’ll learn how to focus your mind on certain points in the body, the top of the head, the tip of the nose, your left wrist etc.


I teach metta meditation which are loving kindness meditations. Metta meditation is a concentration practice. 

You direct loving kindness towards yourself,then it extends towards those you love,those you are indifferent about, then those you're having disagreements with.The loving kindness that is directed towards yourself has a ripple effect on everyone around you.

Example of a metta prayer

May I hold myself with compassion, may I treat others with kindness, may I be free of anger and aggression, may I let go of that which causes harm 

Over 6 weeks you’ll learn how to be the compassionate observer of your life rather than the active participant. 

To put it simply, you’ll be slower to engage in arguments or environments that are not good for you when you have a regular meditation practice. 

It’ll help you step back and ask yourself ‘’Is this fight worth it,does this matter in the grand scheme of things’’. 

Maintaining inner peace is a very positive result of a regular meditation practice. 

You’ll also have a stronger awareness of the present moment and the beauty that's contained in the mundane.

Guided Meditations

In class we meditate for 20 minutes at a time and the guided meditation works with the energies that each moon cycle contains. 

Meditating with the moons is all about learning open to the wisdom that each moon cycle brings

I know the power of connecting groups to the moons,and how it helps people navigate life's challenges 

For example on the new moon you plant seeds and on the full moon you let go of excess baggage and old emotions. 

Each moon contains specific information and the guided meditations are developed in a way that heals you.

Extra tools to support you in Meditation circle 

Visionary Card deck

You’ll also gain insights from my Visionary Card deck. I created a deck and wrote a book about 22 divine masters during lockdown 2020. Each divine master leads you to a path of transformation and enlightenment. They can help you with anything from creativity, confidence, personal power and self mastery. 

Each week you’ll gain specific information from them and about the moon phases that we’re in.



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